Voluntary Active Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, Orthothanasia and Palliative Care: an overview of the discussions in the Brazilian Federal Legislative Power
euthanasia, assisted suicide, voluntary active euthanasia, palliative care, legislationAbstract
Within the scope of Brazilian legislative proposals, we sought to understand the challenges and obstacles in the delimiting path of end-of-life practices. 193 documents were analyzed, from 1981 to 2020, based on the hermeneutic-dialectical methodology. Different regulatory proposals for the practices of euthanasia and orthothanasia, in relation to palliative care, were evidenced. The associations of the terms “palliative care” and “orthothanasia”, as opposed to “euthanasia/assisted suicide, revealed the conflicting construction of values that permeates our society. With the processing of projects related to orthothanasia and euthanasia, we understand the meaning of political decisions that involve the possibilities of choices and freedom of people, between the right to life and the right to a dignified death. We understand the problem of legalizing orthothanasia as a way for the legislative power to evade the debate on euthanasia/assisted suicide, as an alternative to dysthanasia and suffering in the dying process.
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