Bioethics in pluricultural contexts: Epistemological problems and their relationship with Human Rights
Bioethics, Epistemology, Pluriculturality, Human Rights.Abstract
The objective of the research is to identify the epistemological problems that arise in the knowledge and praxis of Bioethics in pluricultural and multiethnic contexts such as the Sierra Sur of Oaxaca, Mexico, and to determine their relationship with human rights, specifically with the Human Rights Based Health Approach (HRBA). The method is the pragmatic epistemological realism of Jürgen Habermas. The results show two types of problems: the first is the type of subject-object relationship of knowledge in which the Other is subjectivized as an object and instrumentalized; and the second is the methodological reductionism and therefore the forms of verification of true propositions. As far as human rights linked to epistemological problems are concerned, they are mainly collective and secondarily individual, while the process of knowledge is a social, communal and historical phenomenon. We conclude that pluriculturality is a phenomenon that complexifies and enriches the work of Bioethics with a multiple reality of sensitive, intelligible and valuative type, this nexus shows the need to develop inter or transdisciplinary approaches that lessen both epistemological problems and the incidence in the violation of human rights.
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