Informed consent and living wills: comparative analysis of the legislation in Latin America




informed consent, advance directives, personal autonomy, bioethics, legislation, latin america


Objectives: To describe how informed consent (IC) and living wills (LW) are legally established in Latin American countries in relation to health care and research, and to analyse that from bioethics. Methods: A comparative analysis of the current regulations of the 21 Latin American countries regarding CI and LW was carried out. Data extraction reports were prepared before starting the research process for each country. Similarities and differences were qualitatively analyzed according to predefined variables. Tables were made to synthesize the information where possible. Results: Eighteen Latin American countries provide a specific criteria for IC use in clinical setting. Six countries have incorporated regulations regarding the use of IC in virtually environment. Regarding the use of IC in research, 20 Latin American countries provide a specific regulation. In the case of the academic exposure, 6 countries name this situation in their regulations. Seven Latin American countries have regulations to establish LW. Conclusions: Latin America has presented a notable evolution around regulating two of the most important instruments of the exercise of autonomy, such as the CI and the DA. The legislation on both instruments does not guarantee that there is greater autonomy in health, but its existence as a regulator of actions for decision-making constitutes the first step for its exercise.


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How to Cite

Buedo, P., Sanchez, L., Ojeda, M. P., Della Vedova, M. N., Labra, B., Sipitria, R., Centineo Aracil, L., Cosentino, S., Varela, I., Yabar Varas, C., Apaza, G., Krasnow, A., Vilchez, S., & Luna, F. (2023). Informed consent and living wills: comparative analysis of the legislation in Latin America. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (58), 25–44.



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