Conscientious objection in the healthcare domain: A balance between rights and responsibilities
bioethics, implications, barriers, conscientious objection, institutional conscientious objectionAbstract
The enactment of Organic Law 3/2021 on euthanasia in Spain has sparked a significant debate in the field of bioethics, namely the issue of conscientious objection (CO) among healthcare professionals. However, despite the scientific literature addressing this matter, the understanding of the underlying reasons that drive professionals to object is not entirely clear. Several authors have highlighted that CO is rooted in personal beliefs, professional ethics, emotional aspects, and dynamics within the healthcare system. Simultaneously, there have been varying stances on the legitimacy of CO, leading to debates regarding its validity.
The objectives of this article are to review the concept of conscientious objection in the healthcare context, analyze the factors motivating this right, examine the consequences of CO on the workload of non-objecting professionals, and explore its potential ethical conflict with distributive justice in healthcare. Finally, we will reflect on the possibility of institutional CO and its potential implications for the rights of patients and healthcare workers.
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