Digital security in brain-computer interfaces in the Brazilian ethical-legal context
Brain-computer interfaces, Digital security, Neurosecurity, Bioethics, Digital lawAbstract
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) function as a direct communication channel between the electrical activity of the brain and an external device, such as a computer or a prosthesis. Currently, brain-computer interfaces have been primarily used to assist individuals with disabilities or in scientific research. These interfaces face significant challenges regarding digital security, as potential attacks can compromise the privacy, health, and integrity of users. This article, using an exploratory methodology based on bibliographic and documentary research, aims to analyze the issues related to digital security in brain-computer interfaces in the Brazilian ethical and legal context, with the purpose of proposing the regulatory framework that emerges from these technologies. Initially, the study addresses the different categories of brain-computer interfaces. Next, the security vulnerabilities of these interfaces are analyzed. Then, the regulatory framework applied to brain-computer interfaces is examined. It is concluded that a preventive, collaborative, and multidisciplinary approach is of utmost importance to ensure that these interfaces remain secure and protected, preserving the rights and integrity of those who depend on them.
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