History of law and the challenge of European Higher Education Area.


  • José Sánchez-Arcilla Bernal
  • Mª Dolores Madrid Cruz




Teaching renovation, contents renovation, learning strategies, competences, role-playing, research papers, cinema


In the last few years we have been reflecting about the convenience of renovating teaching methodology as well as the contents of such a teaching subject, as History of Law, in order to offer the students a useful education as jurists. The implementation of strategies as role-playing and report and research paper composition, the use of cinema as a didactic resource, as well as information and comunication techniques are part of a new methodology dealing with teaching-learning as related to practice centered models. Besides, the designed tactics have a more important role because of their relevance in developping of general and specific competences in the Law Studies Degree. All of them have been welcomed by most of the students and have also turned to be the basis of a learning that tends to be profound, and useful for them to cope with the other degree courses and to become Law profesionals.

Author Biographies

José Sánchez-Arcilla Bernal

Catedrático de Historia del Derecho y de las Instituciones.Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Derecho y de las Instituciones. Facultad de Derecho. Madrid. España. 

Mª Dolores Madrid Cruz

Profesora Asociada. Doctora en Historia del Derecho y de las Instituciones. Departamento de Historia del Derecho y de las Instituciones. Facultad de Derecho. Madrid. España. 

How to Cite

Sánchez-Arcilla Bernal, J., & Madrid Cruz, M. D. (2011). History of law and the challenge of European Higher Education Area. Education and Law Review, (01). https://doi.org/10.1344/re&d.v0i01.2687