The European Master in Law and Economics: a program focused on the economical aspects of europeanization and internationalization of Law.


  • María Amparo Grau Ruíz



Master, economic analysis, mobility of students, Erasmus mundus, official degrees


The European Master in Law and Economics focuses on the study of economic analysis of Law. The economic method is employed to predict how the people react to normative changes, and to assess how the legislation promotes the efficacy and the social Justice. This Master, in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Program, counts on students coming from diverse origins, and allows them to compare different legal cultures. Each student can enjoy mobility in two or three Universities. Every course taught and the grades obtained are mutually recognized. Each Institution gives an official diploma to the students, if they have spent at least one trimester in its University.

How to Cite

Grau Ruíz, M. A. (2011). The European Master in Law and Economics: a program focused on the economical aspects of europeanization and internationalization of Law. Education and Law Review, (02).