Data economy and data ownership


  • Mª Carmen Plana Arnaldos University of Murcia



Data economy, ownership, free flow of data, data ownership


Technological revolution and data economy have triggered an academic and social discussion about how the legal framework should be adapted to the specific characteristics and problems of the digitization. In this context, the question of who owns data, data ownership, is particularly important because data are de facto exchanged in commerce and produce large benefits. This paper analyses different scholar opinions about data ownership, mismatches of this category, and explore some legal alternatives.

Author Biography

Mª Carmen Plana Arnaldos, University of Murcia

Professor of Civil Law
University of Murcia (Spain)


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2021-09-14 — Updated on 2021-12-20

How to Cite

Plana Arnaldos, M. C. . (2021). Data economy and data ownership. Education and Law Review, (24).