More humanity and less prejudice: the effect of the passage through the prison in the university students


  • Esther Montero Pérez de Tudela Loyola University



group learning, prison education, adult education, transformative learning, prejudice


This work is part of a pioneering project in Spain consisting of carrying out an academic course within the prison walls in which students from the Loyola Andalucía University and students from the prison environment, inmates of the Seville prison 1, have shared desk and have spent an academic semester “learning together”. From a participatory and inclusive perspective and using transformative teaching techniques, 29 students from “inside and outside of prison” have successfully completed an academic seminar on Law and Criminology. This study shows the effect that spending time in prison has had on university students. The few educational experiences of this type, prior to this project, have already showed the positive effects of this type of joint teaching. However, the results of this project have exceeded initial expectations: from the analysis of the semi-structured interviews carried out with the participants before and after the educational intervention, and from the analysis of the discussion groups carried out, results such as the reduction of prejudices, correction of preconceptions and reduction of punitivism in university students are revealed.

Author Biography

Esther Montero Pérez de Tudela, Loyola University

Director of the “Learning Together” Project
Loyola University


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How to Cite

Montero Pérez de Tudela, E. (2022). More humanity and less prejudice: the effect of the passage through the prison in the university students. Education and Law Review, (26).



Educational experiences (innovation)