FiloBlenDret: An innovative and collaborative learning methodology in Philosophy of Law
higher education, student evaluation, blended learning, gamification, teamwork, problem-based learningAbstract
This article reports the findings on an innovative teaching methodology introduced in the 2016-2017 academic year in Philosophy of Law, as a third-year course in the Double Degree in Law-Economics / Business Administration at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). This methodology aims to involve students in active learning and peer assessment. In this regard, flipped classroom, problem-based learning, blended learning, collaborative work, gamification and peer assessment methodologies are implemented. All of which focuses on the development of thinking levels in the upper range of Bloom's taxonomy. The research of this experience is a mixed concurrent approach. The students' academic achievements were analyzed based on their transcripts over four academic years, from the year preceding the change in teaching methodology in Philosophy of Law. Likewise, teaching evaluation outcomes are analyzed through the AVALDO. Even though this methodology is still in a consolidation stage, so it will be necessary to correct some formal and substantive issues, the data collected allow us to conclude that this innovative methodology consolidates excellence both in academic results and in students' satisfaction.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Darisbel Correa Padrón, Alberto Carrio Sampedro, Ana María Forestello
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