Qualitative study on efficient practices of university teaching for law students in Chile (2018-2022)
good practices, education, efficient practices, legal education in ChileAbstract
The objective of the study is to know the teaching practices considered by those interviewed as most efficient, and to contrast these with established scientific knowledge to determine their relevance or validity. in classrooms in teaching undergraduate courses in “Law”/“Law”/“Legal Sciences”/“Legal and Social Sciences” to undergraduate students of the same course from some of the Chilean Universities. To achieve this objective, 132 Chilean lawyers with more than 10 years of practice in Chile were interviewed (n=132), in the period 2018-2022, and who mostly came from what are called “Traditional Universities” in Chile. , who were the test subjects of the study. The instrument used was the “semi-structured interview”. The results led to the determination and development of a series of efficient practices, which were contrasted with data based on scientific knowledge regarding their relevance or validity.
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