Development of an online collaborative learning project. Collaborative work and Information and Communication Technologies. The Perspective of Internationalization




collaborative work, information and communication technologies, internationalization, cooperation, irtual environments


 The design of a collaborative learning experience is presented through its objectives, evaluation and feedback. Online collaborative learning is a strategy that integrates collaborative learning with information and communication technologies for the joint construction of knowledge using synchronous and asynchronous tools that facilitate communication, collaboration and coordination in virtual environments. The project was implemented through the use of digital platforms, promoting critical and creative thinking based on the search and analysis of information to carry out collective activities and build knowledge together. Online collaborative learning is a tool that allows internationalization from an internal dimension, for integration into the study plans of a career, involving both students and teachers. In the present research, online collaborative learning turned out to be a valuable tool to activate participation, interactivity and the meaning of information for the student, highlighting their role as creator of their own knowledge within the learning process. Additionally, collaborative learning improved active, self-directed learning and teamwork. The development of interpersonal skills was also evident, with each person being responsible for their own learning and that of the entire work team.

Author Biographies

Jhenny Rivas, Universidad de las Americas (Chile)

Doctora en Derecho. Universidad de
Zaragoza (España)
Universidad de las Americas (Chile)

Alexander Espinoza, Universidad de las Américas

Universidad de las Américas 


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How to Cite

Rivas, J., & Espinoza, A. (2023). Development of an online collaborative learning project. Collaborative work and Information and Communication Technologies. The Perspective of Internationalization. Education and Law Review, (28).



Educational experiences (innovation)