Influence of the educational research agenda on the design of educational policies in Peru: a systematic review of the literature




Educational research, political science, basic training, primary education, quality of education


The objective was to know the educational research agenda in Peru and understand its influence on educational and training public policies. A systematic review was used following the PRISMA guidelines, with the theme of education in two databases: Scopus and Web of Science during the period 2020-2021. It was identified that the research agenda in Peru is established around the impact of the pandemic on training skills, emergency remote education, post-pandemic education opportunities, and education before and during the pandemic. These thematic lines influenced the extent to which self-care protocols were established, reformulation of the teaching role, priority in psychological well-being in children, and mitigation of the impact of the pandemic on education. This manuscript makes it possible to make visible and redirect the educational research agenda in order to achieve a better understanding of the educational reality at the end of the five-year period and encourage researchers to follow up on little-explored variables in the Peruvian environment.

Author Biographies

Israel Barrutia Barreto, Federico Villarreal National University (Peru)

University professor and RENACYT researcher at the Federico Villarreal National University (Peru)

Luz Dominga Mamani Cahuata, National University of the Altiplano (Peru)

University professor and RENACYT researcher with experience in undergraduate and graduate teaching in the area of Public Health and Research. National University of the Altiplano (Peru)

Sively Luz Mercado Mamani, National University of San Antonio Abad of Cusco (Peru)

Southern Regional Coordinator of the Peruvian Women Scientist Network.

Senior Manager of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research at the National University of the Altiplano (Peru)

University professor and advisor on undergraduate and graduate research projects. National University of San Antonio Abad of Cusco (Peru)

Jorge Luis Mercado Portal, National University of the Altiplano (Peru)

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences
National University of the Altiplano (Peru)


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How to Cite

Barrutia Barreto, I., Mamani Cahuata, L. D., Mercado Mamani, S. L., & Mercado Portal, J. L. (2024). Influence of the educational research agenda on the design of educational policies in Peru: a systematic review of the literature. Education and Law Review, (29).



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