Administrative silence: the bureaucratic maze for disabled people and people at risk of social exclusion




administrative procedure, social exclusion, social aid, escape room, gamification


This paper describes an innovative teaching experience that took place during the academic years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 with Law students. The aim of the project was to make students aware of how incredibly difficult is, for some specific groups of people, to interact and deal with public Administration. To achieve this goal, we use an escape room. A “real” administrative procedure was created and students had to overcome successfully different administrative steps and formalities in order to help a person with a risk of social exclusion to finally get a social aid. The final outcome was, however, that there was no way out for the escape room proposed: it was, in fact, a non-escape room, whose real purpose was to face them with a frustrating situation. This is the actual outcome of certain administrative procedures whose ending becomes eventually impossible.

Author Biographies

Antonio Bueno Armijo, University of Cordoba (Spain)

Full Professor of Administrative Law. University of Cordoba (Spain)

Nuria Magaldi, University of Córdoba (Spain)

Full Professor of Administrative Law. University of Córdoba (Spain)


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How to Cite

Bueno Armijo, A., & Magaldi, N. (2024). Administrative silence: the bureaucratic maze for disabled people and people at risk of social exclusion. Education and Law Review, (29).



Educational experiences (innovation)