The Regulation of the Right to Digital Education




digital rights, digital education, right to digital education, online education


Until very recently, the recognition of the right to digital education has been scarce and full of difficulties. These complications have not only been the result of the absence of regulation but also the lack of infrastructure and resources necessary for its effective implementation among teachers and students. The Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, includes, for the first time in Spain, the right to digital education, not only as a right but also as a tool capable of contributing to the quality of teaching and ensuring the integration of students into the knowledge and information society. The Law involves the educational administration in the implementation of this right, requiring it to include digital competence in the curriculum development. Likewise, the norm also requests that the training of teachers be ensured in order for them to acquire the necessary competencies and skills to successfully approach digital or online learning processes. Additionally, it links the training of teachers and students in the use and security of digital media to the guarantee of fundamental rights on the Internet. This article analyzes the concept of digital education, the right to digital education, its background, and the current regulatory framework in Spain and Europe.

Author Biography

Víctor Cazurro Barahona

Director of Innovation and Continuous Improvement at the Faculty of Law, UNIR. Professor of Internet Law and Personal Data Protection at UNIR. PhD in Law, with European mention, accredited by ANECA. Graduated from the School of Legal Practice of the University of Valladolid. University professor since 2005. Practising lawyer since 2004. Specialist in Personal Data Protection Law and Internet Law. Data Protection Officer recognized by IVAC, an entity accredited by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). He has held various academic positions such as Vice-Rector for Research, Dean of the Faculty of Law, director of the Quality area within the same institution and director of various undergraduate and master's programs.


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How to Cite

Cazurro Barahona, V. (2024). The Regulation of the Right to Digital Education. Education and Law Review, (2 Extraordinario), 82–114. Extraordinario.49174