Artificial intelligence in the teaching of law: a bibliometric and case study at the Faculty of law of the Universidad de Oriente de Cuba




artificial intelligence, law teaching, higher education, bibliometric study.


The analysis of the current state and perspectives of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) occupies the spaces of debate between detractors and followers. Its application in Higher Education, and particularly in the training of professionals in the area of Legal Sciences, constitutes one of the main challenges for the formation of a professional with a broad profile, as it has been assumed by the Law career in Cuba. From these premises, this article aims to diagnose from a bibliometric study and a case study the current status and prospects of the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Faculty of Law of the University of Oriente de Cuba to provide an overview of the progress, challenges and opportunities offered by the implementation of AI technologies in the teaching of Law at the Faculty. The research shows that AI has demonstrated the potential for impact in Legal Sciences by assisting legal professionals in various tasks such as research, document drafting and case analysis. In addition, the application of AI in legal education offers opportunities to improve the efficiency and quality of training for future lawyers and jurists. However, it also raises important ethical and legal issues that need to be carefully addressed.

Author Biographies

Jorge Mesa Vázquez

Professor of Data Analytics. Faculty of Telecommunications and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oriente. Cuba

Grettchen Rivera Rondón

Professor of Legal Research Methodology and Philosophy of Law, Faculty of Law, Universidad de Oriente. Cuba

Darina Ortega León

Professor of Criminal Procedural Law and Criminology. Faculty of Law, Universidad de Oriente. Cuba


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How to Cite

Mesa Vázquez, J., Rivera Rondón, G., & Ortega León, D. (2025). Artificial intelligence in the teaching of law: a bibliometric and case study at the Faculty of law of the Universidad de Oriente de Cuba. Education and Law Review, (2 Extraordinario), 460–492. Extraordinario.49201