The Body of the Collective and the Changing Fortunes of Utopia in the New Cuban Art


  • Rachel Weiss School of the Art Institute of Chicago


Paraules clau:

Cuba, Cuban art, collectives, utopia


The ‘New Cuban Art’ counted among its practitioners collectives whose work enacted various forms of quasi-utopian schemes during the decades from the 1980s-2000s. this article discusses some of those projects.

Biografia de l'autor/a

Rachel Weiss, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Professor, Arts Administration & Policy


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Francisco Rodríguez, R. (1990). La casa nacional.

Joselit, D. (2007, February). Remarks delivered at CAA conference.

López Ramos, R. (1993). Special assignment to Memoria de la postguerra, “La Guerra ha terminado afirma joven artista cubana". Memoria de la postguerra, 1 (1).

Menéndez, Aldito (1988), La revolución del arte y no el arte de la revolución. Havanna: Typescript. Novoa, G. (n.d.), personal communication.

Said, E. W., Said, M. C., Wood, M., & Said, P. E. W. (2007). On late style: Music and literature against the grain. New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.




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