Sport as a "hybrid" device. DIY for social, cultural and creative intervention in the public space


  • Gaspar Maza Gutierrez Departamento de Antropología, Filosofía y Trabajo Social. Universidad Rovira I Virgili- Tarragona



sport, hybridization, device, artifact, art, creativity, social inclusion, DIY


In this article we approach the results of different “hybrid sports projects”. These experiences have been classified as "hybrid" because they combine actions and resources from different areas such as sports, art, urbanism and anthropology. The final results were beyond the sum of each of the areas involved and help us to reflect on the advantages and limitations of this kind of tranversal actions.


Idensitat cultural producer

Author Biography

Gaspar Maza Gutierrez, Departamento de Antropología, Filosofía y Trabajo Social. Universidad Rovira I Virgili- Tarragona

Anthropologist and Professor Department of Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work

Universidad Rovira I Virgili- Tarragona


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