Arguments Towards a Destituent Aesthetic. Thoughts from Political Theory


  • Diana Padrón Alonso University of Barcelona



public art, antagonism, institutional critique, instituent practices, postpolitical, destituent aesthetics


The assays conducted by Public Art and Institutional Critique shifted the content of the museum to other contexts and founded the Instituent Practices. These experiences have contributed to question the aesthetic legitimacy processes and test other models of exhibition, collaboration and self-management. However, this phenomenon should be analyzed within the framework of a widespread institutional crisis and an extensive privatization process.  In this new context, the management of power is not exercised by Academy or Museum, but the Mass Culture. In current post-political situation, we need to review the contemporary culture’s strategies. This article analyzes the recent political theory’s discussions attempting to translate these arguments into a new aesthetic theory, from where rethink the role of Public Art toward a destituent political experience.


Research Group Art Globalization Interculturality (AGI/ART: 2014SGR 1050) – Research Project Critical Cartography of Art and Visuality in the Global Age (I+D MINECO: HAR2013-43122-P)

Author Biography

Diana Padrón Alonso, University of Barcelona

Diana Padrón Alonso (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1984) is a researcher and independent curator. She is graduated in Art History at the University of La Laguna. She recived her postgraduate degree at the M.A. Advanced Studies of Art History at University of Barcelona with the thesis Cartographic practices antagonist in the Global Era (2011), which was presented as a lecture at the international seminar QUAM 2011 Wikpolis, Cartographies and collective constructions of the social space, organized by the University of Vic and ACVIC Centre of Contemporary Art. She has given conferences and teaching sessions for University of Barcelona, Escola EINA, Arts Santa Monica, La Térmica - Málaga, Festival d'Art Cluster, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), Centro Nacional de las Artes Ciudad de México and University of Vic and Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien. She collaborates with contemporary art journals such as SalonKritik, Interartive, A*Desk and REG|AC (Journal of Global Studies and Contemporary Art). She works as an independent curator, directing various exhibition projects such as Perder el Norte initiative (Edson Chagas, Pep Vidal, José Luis Bravo, Angie Bonino, Teresa Lenzi, Miralda, Miquel García, Bernardo Oyarzún, María Ptqk, María Lozano, et al). She has participated in seminars about contemporary thought organized by different centers and international institutions, where she has received teaching by among others Jacques Rancière, Giorgio Agamben, Walter Mignolo, Néstor García Canclini and George Didi-Huberman, inter alia. She has received training in the curatorial field by international curators as Martí Peran, Pilar Bonet, Cuauhtemoc Medina, José Roca, Hlavajova Maria, Maria Ines Rodriguez, Carles Guerra and Beatrice von Bismark. She has also participated in workshops led by artists and collective as Domenec, Iconoclacistas, Todo x La Práxis, Straddle3, Raumlabor, Santiago Cirugeda, Nicolas Malevé, Maria Ptqk, Imogen Stidworthy, Regina de Miguel, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Société Réaliste, Elena Reygadas, Benjamin Mayer y Abraham Cruzvillegas.  She collaborates since 2011 in coordinating of research group Art, Globalization and Interculturality ((AGI/ART: 2014SGR 1050) and the project Critic Cartography of Art and Visuality in the Global Era: New methodologies, concepts and analytical approaches (Project I+D MICINN: HAR2010-17403 / MINECO: HAR2013-43122-P), under the supervision of Chair Professor Anna María Guasch at University of Barcelona.  Since 2011, she is developing her PhD project about the cartography practice in the contemporary art, with the supervision of Dr. Martí Peran. Between 2013 /2014 she was implementing a research residency at the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) about the Cartographic Impulse in the MACBA Collection, in collaboration with the Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno(CAAM).  She has collaborated on various collective projects with the cultural producter Idensitat such as Post devices. Artistic practices and networks of citizen action in post-crisis contexts (2014), Translocations. Temporal experiences, artistic practices and local contexts (2014-2015) and Spaces Zombies(2015). She has also designed a part of the programming of the Loop Festival Barcelona 2016 (Benet Rossell, Claudio Zulian, Javier Peñafiel).Currently she is co-editor of REG|AC (Journal of Global Studies and Contemporary Art); coordinator at On Mediation. Platform on Research and Curatorship, and tutor in the Taller Multinacional AV-Buró de Arte Contemporáneo.


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