Facing crisis with Service-learning: the inclusion of Ukrainian refugee children at school


  • Diego Di Masi Università di Torino
  • Emanuela M. Torre Università di Torino
  • Paola Ricchiardi Università di Torino
  • Alice Di Leva Università di Torino




Welcome refugee program, inclusion, university, service-learning


Service-Learning (SL) is a formative and educational approach that integrates meaningful community activities into the academic curriculum and offers students a way of learning that comes from active participation and engagement in the community and working on real world problems. Interest in implementing SL in the university context has grown in recent years, driven in Italy by policies that strengthen the Higher Education Third Mission that invites universities to open up to the socio-economic context through knowledge transfer and social engagement. The SL Interdisciplinary Research Group at the University of Turin (UniTo) aims to enhance and formalise the principles of SL in a context where many activities have been taking place for a long time. In this contribution, we will present an SL project designed to support Ukrainian refugee children in learning the Italian language. The aims are to develop the communication and teamwork skills of the students and to facilitate the inclusion of Ukrainian children in the local community. The results show a positive impact in creating new synergies between instruction and research and producing an impact on students’ competencies and soft skills as a whole. The experiences of the participants in the programmes will be described, and the impact on both the institutions involved and the students will be analysed.


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