Improving self-efficacy towards inclusion in future Physical Education teachers. A Service-Learning experience


  • Jorge Abellán Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha



Inclusion, intellectual disability, teacher training, service-learning


Service-learning is a relevant methodology in training future education professionals as it allows learning formative content, such as attention to diversity while providing a service to the community. This paper presents a service-learning experience in which 34 undergraduate students from the Primary Education Teacher Degree participated. During their Physical Education training, they provided a service to 14 individuals with intellectual and multiple disabilities living in a residence managed by a non-profit association. As part of the degree learning contents, they had to design and direct physical education games and create adapted resources from recycled materials in their service-learning. The Spanish version of the Self-Efficacy Scale for Physical Education Teacher Education Majors towards Children with Disabilities was used to assess the effect that participation in service-learning might have on their perceived readiness to serve students with disabilities in their PE classes. In addition, the Sonrisómetro (Smileometer) was used to determine the service recipients' level of enjoyment concerning the proposed activities. The results showed significant improvements in self-efficacy after the intervention programme, both in the total and intellectual and physical disability scales. Service recipients positively evaluated the games invented by the students. In conclusion, the service-learning experience succeeded in increasing the perceived readiness to attend students with disabilities during Physical Education classes while at the same time achieving positive values in the enjoyment of the service recipients.


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