Assessing a service learning experience around the earning of digital citizenship concepts


  • Erika Duque


Aprendizaje servicio, ciudadanía digital, competencias para la vida, desarrollo de competencias


This article describes the application of service learning as a teaching methodology in undergraduate students, contributing to the dissemination of the concept of digital citizenship in the community of the area of influence of the University of La Sabana (Colombia). This study involved 81 university students who taught several workshops in two public institutions in the municipalities surrounding the University. These workshops involved the creation of digital and multimedia materials that were built on the Digital Basic Competences subject and that were taught to 540 schoolchildren. At the end of the project, a questionnaire was carried out to determine the students' perception of the experience. To know the reliability and consistency of this instrument, Cronbach's Alpha statistics were applied, obtaining a value of 0.726. The instrument also included open questions to complement the results of statistical analysis. The results show that this methodology encouraged university students to take ownership of the concepts seen in the subject, reinforcement in relation to their ethical practices versus technology and greater social sensitivity.




