Service learning as inclusive pedagogy in students with special educational needs


  • Italo Fiorin
  • Carina Rosa


Student protagonism, prosociality, limit, social transformation


The change from the medical model to the social model of the different types of disability entails a change of paradigm thanks to which the limit is understood as a social state and not as a medical condition. The school is one of the main and most important areas of inclusion that has a special impact on personal development. The school inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) requires appropriate and personalized pedagogical strategies. At the same time, dynamics are needed that encourage the participation of all students in common projects, in full respect of diversity, without leaving any behind and that favor the relationship between all the components of the class and beyond. In this research, it is postulated that service learning is an inclusive educational proposal for all students, thanks to which students with SEN can also achieve full inclusion as protagonists of social transformation actions.




