Implementation and extension of service-learning in the entities of global justice and international cooperation in the city of Barcelona


  • Maria Monzó
  • Judit Rifà
  • Laura Rubio


Service-learning, entities, global justice, education for development and international cooperation


This article discusses the implementation and expansion of service-learning within entities in the city of Barcelona that aim to offer education for global justice and international cooperation. This is an initiative promoted by the Barcelona City Council, together with the Service Learning Promotion Centre and the Moral Education Research Group (GREM, by its Spanish initials) of the University of Barcelona. The article begins by analysing the starting point of this process: the link between education for global justice and service-learning and the mutual enrichment they entail. The paper further discusses the main lines of work, actions developed and reflections on the process itself, in order to offer helpful information about the introduction of service-learning from an administrative perspective and keeping social entities at the core.






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