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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • - The submission has not been previously published or previously presented in any other journal (or an explanation has been sent to "Comments for the publisher").

  • - The file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document format.

  • - URLs for references have been provided whenever possible.

  • - The text uses a simple spacing, font size 12 and in italics, rather than underlining, except in URLs. As for all illustrations, figures and tables, they're placed in the corresponding place in the text and not at the end.

  • - The text follows the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the author's instructions in the Author Guidelines, which can be found in "About the journal". 

  • - If it is submitted to an expert evaluation of a section of the journal, authors should not to include their personal data in the article in order to guarantee blind review. Name and affiliation will be included in the editing process.

Author Guidelines

Aurora. Papeles del “Seminario María Zambrano”  is a research Journal dedicated to the study of the work and thought of María Zambrano, it is international in nature and is published on a yearly basis. 

The works submitted to Aurora, with the exception of reviews, will be subject to an evaluation by two specialist reviewers, suggested by the “Advisory Board”, anonymous and external to the author's institution, which will give rise to two reports (double blind peer review), from which the “Editorial Board” will decide on the publication of the work and communicate the decision to the author within a maximum period of six months from its receipt. An article can be publishable/unpublishable/publishable subject to certain changes according to the regulations of style and/or writing, content, etc.

The author is responsible for the opinions expressed in the article.

The copyright corresponds to the author, who may later publish the article in any other place, stating its previous publication in Aurora and indicating the complete reference (number and year).

These works, always unpublished, must meet the following characteristics:

Regarding the content, absolute priority will be given to the works that address the monographic theme to which each issue is dedicated (announced in advance, in the previous issue), although the occasional publication of free-themed texts is not excluded.

Written texts must follow the Criteria of the University of Barcelona, in their entirety or in specific aspects. Written works are accepted in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque, French, English and Italian.

Regarding the format: the maximum length will be 37,000 characters with spaces. Typeface  should be twelve-point Times New Roman font.

The first page should contain:

  • title of the article (in the language of the text and in English)
  • abstract of the article (in the language of the text and in English, 5 lines approx.)
  • 5 keywords (in the language of the text and in English)
  • in relation to the author: name and surname, University or Research Center, email

Citations of more than five lines will go in a new paragraph and without quotation marks, separated from the text by a blank line before and after.

Notes, whether critical or bibliographic, will always be included at the foot of the page (size 10): 

  • Critical notes should provide informative content. Example: "Although María Zambrano hardly wrote about cinema, her reflections on Italian neorealism of 1955 are of great interest with regard to the subject of dreams."
  • Bibliographic notes must be cited in full the first time they appear at the bottom of the page. Example: Morey, Miguel, Sleeping Beauty Monologues. On María Zambrano, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2021. Succeeding citations should use the formula op.cit, ibidem, idem, etc ... Example: Morey, Miguel, Sleeping Beauty Monologues. On María Zambrano, op.cit., p. 155.

The numerical symbol calls that indicate the footnotes will be inserted after the punctuation mark and without leaving any space (eg: Zambrano, like Nietzsche,1 underlines this idea).

The Journal uses the humanistic citation style (UNE 50-104-94; ISO 690: 1987). The bibliographic references will also appear at the end of the article, arranged alphabetically, and should adapt to the following examples:

  • Book:  Zambrano, María, Persona y democracia. La historia sacrificial. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1988 (1ª 1958). 
  • Chapter in a book: LARROSA, Jorge “Sobre el camino recibido, o la delicada conjunción entre método, vida y experiencia”, Carmen Revilla (ed.), Claves de la razón poética. Madrid: Trotta, 1998, pp. 131-138.
  • Editions: Zambrano, María, Claros del bosque, Mercedes Gómez Blesa (ed.). Madrid: Cátedra, 2011.
  • The Obras Completas by María Zambrano should be cited as follows: 
Zambrano, María, La España de Galdós, María Luisa Maillard (edición y presentación), en Obras Completas III Libros (1955-1973). Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg/ Círculo de Lectores, 2011.
  • Journal publications: Araguren, José Luis, “Los sueños de María Zambrano”, Revista de Occidente, 35, 1966, pp. 103-145. DOI:
  • References to web pages: Martínez González, F., “El pensamiento musical de María Zambrano” [Online]. Granada, 2008 [Accessed: 26-06-2017]. Available at:

If the author wants to contribute an image, s/he will take care of the management of the corresponding copyright and send it in a separate jpg file.

The length of the reviews is 5,000-6,000 characters with spaces. Reviews should not include footnotes or bibliographic references.

The originals should be sent to the following email address:



Those articles will be published that do not have to do specifically with the subject of the issue but do have some kind of relationship with it.

Rules for publication

The works submitted to Aurora, with the exception of reviews, will be subject to an evaluation by two specialist reviewers, suggested by the “Advisory Board”, anonymous and external to the author's institution, which will give rise to two reports (double blind peer review), from which the “Editorial Board” will decide on the publication of the work and communicate the decision to the author within a maximum period of six months from its receipt. An article can be publishable/unpublishable/publishable subject to certain changes according to the regulations of style and/or writing, content, etc.

The copyrights correspond to the author, who can subsequently publish the article in any other place, stating its previous publication in Aurora and indicating the complete reference (number and year).

Privacy Statement


General Secretary of the University of Barcelona


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Interested person's consent. 


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Additional information

Additional information can be found at the following link: