El funámbulo y el payaso. Notas sobre Friedrich Nietzsche y María Zambrano


  • Elena Laurenzi Università di Firenze


Zambrano, Nietzsche, laugh, Thracian girl, lightness, gravity


This study refers to Zambrano’s essay “El payaso y la filosofía” in order to compare Zambrano’s and Nietzsche’s philosophical view on the laugh. By comparing the metaphors of the clown and of the acrobat by which each author resumes the philosopher’s traits, it shows their similarities and differences. 



How to Cite

Laurenzi, E. (2021). El funámbulo y el payaso. Notas sobre Friedrich Nietzsche y María Zambrano. Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (9). Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/aurora/article/view/29480