La raíz fecundante de la vida. Impulso afectivo y sentir originario en la antropología de Max Scheler y María Zambrano


  • Carmen Revilla Universidad de Barcelona


Zambrano, Scheler, anthropology, vital feeling, primal sense


The study reflects on the significance and the extent of Max Scheler’s influence in the work of María Zambrano. We aim to assess Zambrano’s effective knowledge of Scheler’s writings and to pinpoint theoretical nuclei that underlie the relationship between the two thinkers. The study centres on the analysis of the connection between the notions of “vital feeling” (/"Gefühlsdrang"/) and “inborn feeling” (/"sentir originario"/) as key contributions to the field of anthropology. 



How to Cite

Revilla, C. (2021). La raíz fecundante de la vida. Impulso afectivo y sentir originario en la antropología de Max Scheler y María Zambrano. Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (9). Retrieved from