Naufragio, inhospitalidad, entrañas. María Zambrano ante Ortega y Heidegger


  • Ramón Rodríguez Universidad Complutense


Wreck, Uncanninness, Bowels


The paper analyzes the radical level of the philosophical approaches of Ortega, Heidegger and Zambrano, through the analysis of metaphors used by each of these authors in order to express this radical level. It will highlight that these metaphors (the notions of wreck in Ortega, inhospitality in Heidegger and bowels in Zambrano) are tools of thought which are needed to have access to the last layer of reality, hence this exam gives a valuable key to understanding the philosophies of these three philosophers. 



How to Cite

Rodríguez, R. (2021). Naufragio, inhospitalidad, entrañas. María Zambrano ante Ortega y Heidegger. Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (12). Retrieved from