Desenmascarar la complementariedad de los sexos. María Zambrano y Rosa Chacel frente al debate en la «Revista de Occidente»


  • Elena Laurenzi Università del Salento


Revista de Occidente, María Zambrano, Rosa Chacel, Georg Simmel, José Ortega y Gasset, Gender, Dualism and complementarities between the sexes, Love theory


The essay focuses on the debate about the difference between the sexes that took place in the Revista de Occidente in the nineteen twenties, and analyzes the different responses of Rosa Chacel and María Zambrano to Simmel’s and Ortega’s dualistic theories. Through the contrast between the two women thinkers, the essay depicts two different ways to raise the difference between the sexes that articulate feminist thought throughout the twentieth century. 



How to Cite

Laurenzi, E. (2021). Desenmascarar la complementariedad de los sexos. María Zambrano y Rosa Chacel frente al debate en la «Revista de Occidente». Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (13). Retrieved from