Mujeres de Zambrano: desterradas, errantes, hechiceras


  • Isabel Balza Universidad de Jaén


Soul, Exile, Guide, Mediator, Sibyl


This paper discusses the thought of María Zambrano from a gender perspective. First of all, I will examine how, for Zambrano, philosophy is gender-neutral, considering the philosophical author as a kind of transgender subject. Nevertheless, she thinks about the differences between male and female subjects, and their historical vicissitudes. Thus, she discusses the possibility of the metaphysical existence of women and proposes for them a poetic existence, as opposed to the ontological existence exclusive of men. Zambrano distinguishes two lineages: that of Heloise and that of Antigone, about each of whom she wrote an essay. Furthermore, she considers the female subject as the incarnation of the soul, insofar as it collects everything rejected by the concept.



How to Cite

Balza, I. (2021). Mujeres de Zambrano: desterradas, errantes, hechiceras. Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (13). Retrieved from