Expresión del desarraigo en el exilio


  • Ana Bundgard Universidad de Aarhus


Dereliction, estrangement, exile and its forms, apocryphal characters, anagnorisis


The aim of this article is to address the feeling of dereliction caused by exile as an individual experience of irreversible estrangement and loss. The first section is devoted to a series of reflections on the cultural, historical, and political aspects of this phenomenon as well as on the ways in which it has been expressed. In the second section I analyse the identification between exile and being which according to María Zambrano were epitomized by the characters of Job and Antigone. I consider these characters apocryphal and defend the idea that María Zambrano reinterpreted them in order to relativize the truth revealed to her by the loneliness of exile. 



How to Cite

Bundgard, A. (2021). Expresión del desarraigo en el exilio. Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (14). Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/aurora/article/view/29590

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