El exilio en Zambrano. Una vuelta de tuerca a la circunstancia orteguiana


  • María Luisa Maillard García Fundación María Zambrano


Ortega y Gasset, Exile, Man, Poverty, Shipweck


The very concept of exile appears today to be the key to understanding the essential dimensions of man’s life on earth, not only as a citizen, but as just man. Zambrano inserts her reflections about exile in a long philosophical tradition, as man’s peculiarity in the world, made more acute since the end of the 19th century in the West. To do this, she bases herself on two basic formulations of the vital reason of her mentor Ortega y Gasset: the concept of poverty and the metaphor for shipwreck. 



How to Cite

Maillard García, M. L. (2021). El exilio en Zambrano. Una vuelta de tuerca a la circunstancia orteguiana. Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (14). Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/aurora/article/view/29594