María Zambrano and the Concept of Person


  • Sara del Bello Università La Sapienza, Roma



Person, Transcendence, Ordo amoris, Scheler, Agostino, Weil, Mounier


Facing the crisis of the contemporary European man, Zambrano meditates on his birth, or better, on his rebirth through a path of self-consciousness. The point from which Zambranian philosophy departs is the anthropological perspective, and in this sense the analysis considers some essential aspects, all of them useful in understanding the idea of person: the comparison with the concept of individual; the ordo amoris, and transcendence. These three elements allow us to identify the contact points between Zambrano and some of the authors who influenced her philosophical reflections, such as M. Scheler and Saint Augustine. Finally, this paper offers a synthetic comparative analysis with the thoughts of S. Weil and E. Mounier.



How to Cite

Bello, S. del. (2021). María Zambrano and the Concept of Person. Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (16).