A Possible Poetry for María Zambrano: On Sleeping in the Forest as a Remedial Reading


  • Edgar Tello García Universitat de Barcelona




Zambrano, drowsiness, reading process, history, exile


This paper focuses on Zambrano’s concept of adormirse (“drowsing”) in order to read works dealing with history, war, politics, friendship, exile. We divide this work into three sections: the first defines “drowsiness” as a useful concept for “reading” texts, in spite of the perils of distraction; section two analyzes some examples, focusing on Soldados de Salamina and Lo que a nadie le importa, to see what perils readers may find in literary forests; in section three we imagine an ideal “clearing” in which to read texts. 



How to Cite

Tello García, E. (2021). A Possible Poetry for María Zambrano: On Sleeping in the Forest as a Remedial Reading. Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (16). https://doi.org/10.1344/Aurora2015.16.11