Painting as a Place of Revelation in María Zambrano


  • Pedro Chacón Fuentes Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Zambrano, painting, Giorgione, The Boy from Vallecas, Luis Fernández


Painting represented one of the main areas of reflection for María Zambrano’s work. The aim of this article is to establish the deep significance given it by the person who declared: «Art seen as art is different from art that makes you see». First and foremost, according to her point of view, pictorial creations represented privileged places for the revelation of the truth. However, at the same time, every painting is presented as an enigma, as a reality that demands we look at it in order to unveil the mystery enclosed within it. This conception of painting is shown exemplarily in the singular philosophical gaze that Zambrano projects over Giorgione’s The Tempest, Velazquez’s The Boy from Vallecas and Luis Fernandez’s Rose in a Vase. 



How to Cite

Chacón Fuentes, P. (2021). Painting as a Place of Revelation in María Zambrano. Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (16).