The Definition of a self-reflection tool named Aurora for the assessment of university professors´digital competence




DigCompEdu, Digital Competence, Higher education, University professor, Questionnaire


We are currently facing a historical moment in which educational practices are being transformed using technology. In this scenario, higher education institutions have a great responsibility towards the Digital Competence of University Professor (DCUP). The main objective of the study is to contribute to the improvement of the self-reflection of the DCUP. Therefore, a self-assessment tool called Aurora, based on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) model, is defined. Subsequently, the tool is applied, and the results are analysed. The methodology used is quantitative by means of an online survey. The sample consisted of 154 university professors from the University of Deusto (UD). On the one hand, through descriptive analysis it is highlighted that the Aurora questionnaire is an objective tool to measure the self-reflection of the DCUP. On the other hand, through the inferential analysis it is underlined that significant differences are found in the demographic data of professional category and age. It is also stressed that there are significant differences in the correlations. These results show that it is necessary to create a questionnaire that measures all the competences of the DigCompEdu model to be considering the DigCompEdu model.

Author Biography

Eider Bilbao-Aiastui, Universidad de Deusto

Doctoranda de 3ºaño del departamento de Psicología y Educación en la Universidad de Deusto


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