ICT integration in FLT: An analysis of TPACK implementation in Spanish Primary Teacher Education







This study explores primary teachers´ initial training programs, focusing on Foreign Language Teaching (FLT) and its integration with technology. The research is grounded in two dimensions of contemporary society: plurilingual competence and digital literacy. The study employs the conceptual framework of "Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge" (TPACK) (Mishra & Kohler, 2006) and applies content analysis methodology. The scientific interest lies in the scarcity of studies examining this specific area within the Spanish context, because research on TPACK in FLT has primarily focused on Asia and the Middle East. To address this void, a comprehensive national study encompassing 39 public universities was conducted. This study involved an in-depth analysis of 496 course guides within the field of FLT in primary education teacher training programs. The research findings indicate that less than half of the subjects incorporate technology, and when they do, two prominent trends emerge: the integration of TPACK and the presentation of technology as a broad competency, not specifically tailored to FLT. The primary conclusion drawn from this study is that the incorporation of TPACK in this context is moderate, emphasizing the need for a more comprehensive integration of technology within FLT teacher training programs.

Author Biographies

María Bobadilla-Pérez , Universidade da Coruña

Dr. María Bobadilla-Pérez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Department of Specific Didactics and Research Methods at the University of A Coruna (Spain). She teaches different courses of Foreign Language Teaching and Bilingual/Plurilingual Education. She received a Ph.D. in Languages and Literature at the State University of New York (2004) and has a Ph.D. in the same area from the University Complutense of Madrid (2006). As an interdisciplinary researcher, her main field of studies are concerned with Second Language Acquisition, Bilingual and Plurilingual Education and Didactics of Language, Literatures and Culture.

Begoña Rumbo Arcas, Universidade da Coruña

Dr. Begoña Rumbo Arcas is a professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics. Her main lines of research focus on adult education and university teaching from an interdisciplinary approach. Among  her latest collaborations are Teacher Competences in Higher Education: A Systematic Review Study with a Focus on Equity (AERA, 2022); Comparative interregional study of mathematics education in the initial training of primary education teachers (RELIME, 2021). 

Lucia Fraga-Viñas, Universidade da Coruña

Dr. Lucia Fraga-Viñas is a hired researcher at University of A Coruña (UDC. She is currently a visiting researcher at Universidade do Minho where she is doing a post-doctoral programme as part of the Spanish Government’s Excellence Scholarship “Margarita Salas” she obtained. She is a member of the research group DILEC (UDC) and CIEd (UMinho). Areas of research: TEFL, assessment, rubrics, CEFR, and plurilingualism.

Noelia Mª Galán-Rodríguez, Universidade da Coruña

Dr. Noelia Mª Galán-Rodríguez is a professor at the Faculty of Education (Universidade da Coruña, UDC) where she teaches Foreign Language Teaching and Methodologies courses. She is also a member of the research group DILEC (UDC). Her research interests are affective and cognitive factors in FL learning, plurilingualism, intertextuality, transmedia narratives and popular culture.  


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