Educational advantatges in the application of PLEs in language and literature subjects. Five experiences
DOI: clau:
PLE. Personal Learning Environments, teaching, learning, Web 2.0, social media, Project, classroom, secondary education.Resum
This article describes the experiences, projects and activities conducted by three teachers with their students of Literature and Language, and based on the construction and use of PLEs.
The construction of the virtual spaces and the activities they designed and took into practice were relatively simple, and took advantage of free, user-friendly tools available on the Internet. All the activities explained in this article had been previously performed using “traditional techniques”; when the PLE concept was applied on the classroom and the academic activities were taken into virtual environments, there were important changes in the student's learning process and approach, on intellectual, social, and integrative levels, related both to the technological skills and to the information management. We conclude that the use of PLEs in this context helps both teachers and students realize the potential and importance of these tools when applied to their learning process, and that guidance
is needed to implement this approach in the classroom.
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