Using the Pinterest tool in the course History of Architecture, in the EHEA frame


  • Guido Cimadomo Departamento Arte y Arquitectura Universidad de Málaga


Paraules clau:

Pinterest, EHEA, Teaching Innovation, History of Architecture, OSN


The experience of the course History of Architecture II in the adaptation to the requirements of the EHEA will be presented, showing the use of Pinterest, a visual Online Social Network to improve teaching innovation. Active participation of the students, based on the search of the contents of the course, was developed with the aim of using the advantages that interaction offers. The role of the students in the development of the same course was therefore strengthened, with the main strategy to give them a broader control and decisional power over its contents. The results related with academic learning and with social and organizational personal growing are positive, and presented in this paper.

Biografia de l'autor/a

Guido Cimadomo, Departamento Arte y Arquitectura Universidad de Málaga

Profesor Asociado, Coordinador de Área y Coordinador Académico para la Cooperación Internacional

Área de Composición Arquitectónica

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Málaga


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