CREAPP K6-12: Tool to evaluate the creative potential of app oriented to the design of personal digital storytelling


  • Maria Eshter Del Moral Pérez Universidad de Oviedo
  • Maria Carmen Bellver Moreno Universidad de Valencia
  • Alba Patricia Guzmán Duque Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander


Paraules clau:

Digital storytelling, creativity, Primary Education, mobile applications, expert validation


An instrument is presented that allows primary school teachers to evaluate the potentiality to develop creativity that have playful  online app K6-12 focused on the development of digital storytelling (DST), so they can select those that can be used in the classroom for that purpose. The instrument validated consists of 48 indicators associated with the six dimensions of the creativity: flexibility, originality, fluency, problem solving, elaboration of products and co-edition and dissemination. It was designed based on the opinions of experts in creativity and Information and Communication Technologies of the didactic field, theory of education and methodology; also with the assessments and clarifications made by a focus group of final users. Subsequently, three different coders applied the final instrument to evaluate an app sample (N=20) according to the requirements, to validate it using Cohen's Kappa statistic, as an alternative consistent to measure the concordance between the judgments issued by the three coders, obtaining a k=0.897, that is, a high concordance, and with it, reaffirm the validity of the instrument to measure the potential of these app to promote creativity of school children.

Biografia de l'autor/a

Alba Patricia Guzmán Duque, Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander

Docente Investigadora

Programa Administración de Empresas

Facultad de Ciencias Socioeconómicas y Empresariales


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