Teachers 3.0: Patterns of use of five digital tools.




Paraules clau:

ICT, Digital competence, Technology use, Teaching, Educational Context.


Nowadays, improvements in teaching are closely related to the use of technologies which have been defined as unprecedented educational tools. This study analyzes the use that 118 Spanish teachers make of five digital tools; Google, Wikis, Blogs, YouTube and WhatsApp in the educational center and the impact of the socio-labor variables of these teachers on the greater or lesser use of digital tools for teaching and evaluation. To this end, a questionnaire is designed and validated, in both its versions, printed and online, and two types of analysis are carried out, one descriptive and the other multivariate, using General Linear Model. The results show different patterns in the use of digital tools by teachers according to their age, gender, professional experience, type of school and performance of academic positions. The implications of these results are discussed and evaluated.

Biografies de l'autor/a

Sheila García Martín, University of León (Spain)

Research Scholar in the Department of General and Specific Didactics and Educational Theory at the University of León (Spain).

Isabel Cantón-Mayo, University of León (Spain).

Professor in the Department of General and Specific Didactics and Educational Theory at the University of León (Spain).


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