Las ayudas en indagaciones científicas escolares mediadas por herramientas tecnológicas. Investigaciones de la última década
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Ciencias, indagación, soporte tecnológico, educación primariaResum
Se presenta una revisión de las investigaciones dedicadas a lo largo de la última década al estudio de la tecnología como soporte en el aprendizaje de las ciencias por indagación en educación primaria. Analizando 44 trabajos resultantes se sintetiza la información sobre la tipología de apoyos y herramientas tecnológicas, la adecuación de la herramienta a la diversidad de las aulas y la evolución de las ayudas ofrecidas por los maestros en estos contextos. La investigación educativa en este ámbito es claramente insuficiente dada la trascendencia social de las cuestiones abiertas.
Baek, H., & Schwarz, C. V. (2015). The Influence of Curriculum, Instruction, Technology, and Social Interactions on Two Fifth-Grade Students’ Epistemologies in Modeling Throughout a Model-Based Curriculum Unit. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 24(2–3), 216–233.
Ching, C. C., & Kafai, Y. B. (2008). Peer Pedagogy: Student Collaboration and Reflection in a Learning-Through- Design Project. Teachers College Record, 110(12), 2601–2632.
Daley, S. G., Hillaire, G., & Sutherland, L. M. (2016). Beyond performance data: Improving student help seeking by collecting and displaying influential data in an online middle-school science curriculum. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(1), 121–134.
de Jong, T., & Lazonder, A. W. (2014). The guided discovery learning principle in multimedia learning. In The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, Second Edition (pp. 371–390).
Devolder, A., van Braak, J., & Tondeur, J. (2012). Supporting self-regulated learning in computer-based learning environments: Systematic review of effects of scaffolding in the domain of science education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(6), 557–573.
Dobber, M., Zwart, R., Tanis, M., & van Oers, B. (2017). Literature review: The role of the teacher in inquiry-based education. Educational Research Review, 22, 194–214.
Efstathiou, C., Hovardas, T., Xenofontos, N. A., Zacharia, Z. C., DeJong, T., Anjewierden, A., & van Riesen, S. A. N. (2018). Providing guidance in virtual lab experimentation: the case of an experiment design tool. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(3), 767–791.
Enyedy, N., Danish, J. A., Delacruz, G., & Kumar, M. (2012). Learning physics through play in an augmented reality environment. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 7(3), 347–378.
Falloon, G. (2017). Mobile Devices and Apps as Scaffolds to Science Learning in the Primary Classroom. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 26(6), 613–628.
Han, I., & Black, J. B. (2011). Incorporating haptic feedback in simulation for learning physics. Computers and Education, 57(4), 2281-2290.
Herrenkohl, L. R., Tasker, T., & White, B. (2011). Pedagogical practices to support classroom cultures of scientific inquiry. Cognition and Instruction, 29(1), 1–44.
Hickey, D. T., Ingram-Goble, A. A., & Jameson, E. M. (2009). Designing assessments and assessing designs in virtual educational environments. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18(2), 187–208.
Hill, J. R., & Hannafin, M. J. (2001). Teaching and learning in digital environments: The resurgence of resource-based learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 49(3), 37–52.
Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y., Tai, K. H., & Tsai, C. R. (2017). An Exploration of Students’ Science Learning Interest Related to Their Cognitive Anxiety, Cognitive Load, Self-Confidence and Learning Progress Using Inquiry-Based Learning With an iPad. Research in Science Education, 47(6), 1193–1212.
Hsiao, H.-S., Chen, J.-C., Hong, J.-C., Chen, P.-H., Lu, C.-C., & Chen, S. Y. (2017). A Five-Stage Prediction-Observation-Explanation Inquiry-Based Learning Model to Improve Students’ Learning Performance in Science Courses. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(7), 3393–3416.
Jaakkola, T., & Nurmi, S. (2008). Fostering elementary school students’ understanding of simple electricity by combining simulation and laboratory activities: Original article. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(4), 271–283.
Kant, J. M., Scheiter, K., & Oschatz, K. (2017). How to sequence video modeling examples and inquiry tasks to foster scientific reasoning. Learning and Instruction, 52, 46–58.
Kazmer, M. M., Alemanne, N. D., Mendenhall, A., Marty, P. F., Southerland, S. A., Sampson, V., … Schellinger, J. (2016). “A good day to see a bobcat”: Elementary students’ online journal entries during a structured observation visit to a wildlife center. First Monday, 20(3).
Kim, M. C., & Hannafin, M. J. (2011). Scaffolding 6th graders’ problem solving in technology-enhanced science classrooms: A qualitative case study. Instructional Science, 39(3), 255–282.
Kim, P., Suh, E., & Song, D. (2015). Development of a design-based learning curriculum through design-based research for a technology-enabled science classroom. Educational Technology Research and Development, 63(4), 575–602.
Kuiper, E., Volman, M., & Terwel, J. (2009). Developing Web literacy in collaborative inquiry activities. Computers and Education, 52(3), 668–680.
Kukkonen, J. E., Kärkkäinen, S., Dillon, P., & Keinonen, T. (2014). The Effects of Scaffolded Simulation-Based Inquiry Learning on Fifth-Graders’ Representations of the Greenhouse Effect. International Journal of Science Education, 36(3), 406–424.
Kyza, E. A., Constantinou, C. P., & Spanoudis, G. (2011). Sixth Graders’ Co-construction of Explanations of a Disturbance in an Ecosystem: Exploring relationships between grouping, reflective scaffolding, and evidence-based explanations. International Journal of Science Education, 33(18), 2489–2525.
Lau, W. W. F., Lui, V., & Chu, S. K. W. (2017). The use of wikis in a science inquiry-based project in a primary school. Educational Technology Research and Development, 65(3), 533-553.
Lazonder, A. W., & Egberink, A. (2014). Children’s acquisition and use of the control-of-variables strategy: effects of explicit and implicit instructional guidance. Instructional Science, 42(2), 291-304.
Lazonder, A. W., & Kamp, E. (2012). Bit by bit or all at once? Splitting up the inquiry task to promote children’s scientific reasoning. Learning and Instruction, 22(6), 458–464.
Lehtinen, A., & Viiri, J. (2017). Guidance Provided by Teacher and Simulation for Inquiry-Based Learning: a Case Study. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 26(2), 193–206.
Lin, F., & Chan, C. K. K. (2018). Promoting elementary students’ epistemology of science through computer-supported knowledge-building discourse and epistemic reflection. International Journal of Science Education, 40(6), 668–687.
Lin, C. H., Chiu, C. H., Hsu, C. C., Wang, T. I., & Chen, C. H. (2018). The effects of computerized inquiry-stage-dependent argumentation assistance on elementary students’ science process and argument construction skills. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(3), 279–292.
Looi, C. K., Sun, D., Wu, L., Seow, P., Chia, G., Wong, L. H., … Norris, C. (2014). Implementing mobile learning curricula in a grade level: Empirical study of learning effectiveness at scale. Computers and Education, 77, 101–115.
Looi, C. K., Zhang, B., Chen, W., Seow, P., Chia, G., Norris, C., & Soloway, E. (2011). 1:1 mobile inquiry learning experience for primary science students: A study of learning effectiveness. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(3), 269-287.
Marty, P. F., Alemanne, N. D., Mendenhall, A., Maurya, M., Southerland, S. A., Sampson, V., … Schellinger, J. (2013). Scientific inquiry, digital literacy, and mobile computing in informal learning environments. Learning, Media and Technology, 38(4), 407–428.
Otrel-Cass, K., Khoo, E., & Cowie, B. (2012). Scaffolding With and Through Videos : An Example of ICT-TPACK. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 12(4), 369–390.
Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., Viilo, M., & Hakkarainen, K. (2010). Learning by collaborative designing: Technology-enhanced knowledge practices. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 20(2), 109–136.
Schellinger, J., Mendenhall, A., Alemanne, N. D., Southerland, S. A., Sampson, V., Douglas, I., … Marty, P. F. (2017). “Doing science” in elementary school: Using digital technology to foster the development of elementary students’ understandings of scientific inquiry. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(8), 4635–4649.
Song, Y. (2014). “Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)” for seamless science inquiry in a primary school. Computers and Education, 74, 50–60.
Song, Y., & Wen, Y. (2017). Integrating Various Apps on BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) into Seamless Inquiry-Based Learning to Enhance Primary Students’ Science Learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 27(2), 165–176.
Song, Y., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2012). Fostering personalized learning in science inquiry supported by mobile technologies. Educational Technology Research and Development, 60(4), 679–701.
Suárez, Á., Specht, M., Prinsen, F., Kalz, M., & Ternier, S. (2018). A review of the types of mobile activities in mobile inquiry-based learning. Computers and Education, 118(November 2017), 38–55.
Sun, K., Lin, Y., & Yu, C. (2008). A study on learning effect among different learning styles in a Web-based lab of science for elementary school students. Computers & Education, 50, 1411–1422.
Sung, H. Y., Hwang, G. J., Wu, P. H., & Lin, D. Q. (2018). Facilitating deep-strategy behaviors and positive learning performances in science inquiry activities with a 3D experiential gaming approach. Interactive Learning Environments, 26(8), 1053–1073.
Tansomboon, C., Gerard, L. F., Vitale, J. M., & Linn, M. C. (2017). Designing Automated Guidance to Promote Productive Revision of Science Explanations. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 27(4), 729–757.
Turcotte, S., & Hamel, C. (2016). Using Scaffold Supports to Improve Student Practice and Understanding of an Authentic Inquiry Process in Science. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 16(1), 77–91.
Valanides, N., & Angeli, C. (2008). Distributed cognition in a sixth-grade classroom: An attempt to overcome alternative conceptions about light and color. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 40(3), 309–336.
Van Aalst, J., & Truong, M. S. (2011). Promoting knowledge creation discourse in an asian primary five classroom: Results from an inquiry into life cycles. International Journal of Science Education, 33(4), 487–515.
Van Dijk, A. M., Eysink, T. H. S., & De Jong, T. (2016). Ability-related differences in performance of an inquiry task: The added value of prompts. Learning and Individual Differences, 47, 145–155.
Varma, K. (2014). Supporting Scientific Experimentation and Reasoning in Young Elementary School Students. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23(3), 381–397.
Visintainer, T., & Linn, M. (2015). Sixth-Grade Students’ Progress in Understanding the Mechanisms of Global Climate Change. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 24(2–3), 287–310.
Wendell, K., & Rogers, C. (2013). Engineering design-based science, science content performance, and science attitudes in elementary school. Journal of Engineering Education, 102(4), 513–540.
Zhang, M., & Quintana, C. (2012). Scaffolding strategies for supporting middle school students’ online inquiry processes. Computers and Education, 58(1), 181–196.
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