Participative Digital Photography to evaluate the transition to University


  • Silvia Sierra-Martínez Universidad de Vigo
  • María Esther Martínez-Figueira Universidad de Vigo
  • Manuela Raposo-Rivas Universidad de Vigo
  • Ángeles Parrilla Universidad de Vigo


Paraules clau:

Visual and narrative methodologies, Visual technological resources, Photovoice, Participative research, Transitioning to university


The article shows the possibilities of textualized digital photography in different technological media as an innovative resource for evaluating the process of transitioning to university.

The use of photovoice as a methodological tool is explained and analyzed from a participative research perspective as one which invites participants to take on an active role in reflecting on and taking part in their new academic situation. 142 first-year students doing degrees in Pre-school and Primary Education at the University of Vigo participated in the Project; this has led to the creation of a total of 560 textualized photographs related to the topic of the study.

The results, based on a denotative analysis of the images and a connotative analysis of the texts produced by the students, identifies the spaces and situations in the university life of students which are essential, the role played by architectural elements and material resources, as well as the connection between their identity as students and the processes of university participation and management.

The conclusions show the suitability of visual technological resources for evaluating educational transitions, the ability of photovoice to encourage participants to reflect and engage in critical thought, and the need to recognize the students’ voices and authority as soon as they enter university.

Biografies de l'autor/a

Silvia Sierra-Martínez, Universidad de Vigo

Profesora interina.

Departamento de Didáctica, Organización escolar y Métodos de investigación en educación. 

María Esther Martínez-Figueira, Universidad de Vigo

Titular de universidad.

Departamento de Didáctica, Organización escolar y Métodos de investigación en educación. 

Manuela Raposo-Rivas, Universidad de Vigo

Titular de universidad.

Departamento de Didáctica, Organización escolar y Métodos de investigación en educación. 

Ángeles Parrilla, Universidad de Vigo

Catedrática de universidad.

Departamento de Didáctica, Organización escolar y Métodos de investigación en educación. 


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