Investigating Digital Distraction among Pre-service Science, Technology, and Mathematics Teachers in Nigeria


  • Adeneye Olarewaju Awofala University of Lagos
  • Oladiran Stephen Olabiyi University of Lagos
  • Racheal O Okunuga University of Lagos
  • Omolabake Temilade Ojo University of Lagos
  • Awoyemi Abayomi Awofala Tai Solarin University of Education
  • Abisola O Lawani Tai Solarin University of Education


Paraules clau:

Digital distraction, scale, pre-service teachers, science, mathematics, technology, Nigeria


Internationally, proliferation of digital technologies in classrooms has produced digital distractions among digital natives in this 21st century. Thus, it is highly imperative to develop a suitable instrument for assessing and measuring digital distraction among higher education students to enable continuing research and practice. While previous studies had treated and measured digital distraction as a sub-component of a multi-dimensional construct and as a test, the present study through instrumentation survey research, developed and authenticated a standalone digital distraction scale among pre-service science, technology and mathematics (STM) teachers in Nigeria. The instrument is constructed by adopting a multidimensional standpoint of digital distraction around a higher-order modelling method. The pre-service STM teachers were recruited from a culturally varied university student population in Nigeria. The results showed a high level of digital distraction among the pre-service STM teachers in Nigeria and the digital distraction is composed of several connected yet distinctive factors (emotional distraction, digital addiction, and distraction by procrastination), with proof backing up a higher-order structural archetypal. More so, empirical evidence confirmed the measurement invariance of the scale with regards to gender and the consistency of the psychometric properties of the digital distraction scale. Finally, a test-retest reliability of the digital distraction scale showed that the scores are not variable over time and that the scale is not sensitive to alterations in the learning milieu. Finally, it is hoped that this tool will be handy for educators interested in isolating pre-service STM teachers at risk of high digital distraction which may cause lack of respect and privation of courtesy for instructors and personal distraction in the classroom.

Biografies de l'autor/a

Adeneye Olarewaju Awofala, University of Lagos

Department of Science and Technology Education & Senior Lecturer


Oladiran Stephen Olabiyi, University of Lagos

Department of Science and Technology Education & Senior Lecturer

Racheal O Okunuga, University of Lagos

Department of Science and Technology Education & Senior Lecturer

Omolabake Temilade Ojo, University of Lagos

Department of Science and Technology Education & Lecturer II

Awoyemi Abayomi Awofala, Tai Solarin University of Education

Biological Sciences & Senior Lecturer

Abisola O Lawani, Tai Solarin University of Education

Mathematics & Senior Lecturer


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