Production of oral narratives with an app in Early Childhood Education: analysis of engagement and narrative competence
app, digital storytelling, narrative competence, engagement, Early Childhood EducationAbstract
The digital storytelling applications are being implemented in schools to favor the acquisition of multiple learnings. This research analyses the narrative competence of Early Childhood Education students (N=93), based on their oral stories -created with the support of a digital storytelling app- and their engagement in the narrative task. Moreover, the contribution of the application to the development of narrative competence is analyzed, considering its immersive capacity and the potential to foster self-regulation of learning. A mixed methodology is adopted: a) qualitative, focused on the content analysis of the stories, paying attention to the indicators defining the variables narrative competence and engagement and b) quantitative, centered on the statistical treatment of the data, median contrast, and correlational analysis between variables. Thus, it is verified that hardly half of the students present a medium-high narrative competence and the 73% has a medium-high engagement. There is a significant correlation between both variables, which highlights the capacity of the app to favor self-regulation and motivation towards narrative task, and to promote the skills to create a coherent, original, and well-structured story, which confirms its high educational potential.
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