Digital Storytelling as a Pedagogical Tool within a Didactic Sequence in Foreign Language Teaching
DOI: clave:
Didactic sequence, linguistic routines, digital storytelling, teachingResumen
Digital storytelling not only offers language teachers the opportunity of working with all four language skills from the very beginning but also brings together the idea of combining the art of telling stories with a variety of digital multimedia (Robin 2006). This enables instructors to teach any topic in a way that can generate interest and attention. Our study consists of a didactic sequence in which we make use of digital storytelling as a pedagogical tool to work on linguistic routines such as greetings and leave-takings in English as a foreign language. To this aim, we have worked with first year students in the Faculty of Education at the Universitat de València to improve their ability to adapt their language skills to specific situations within common daily interaction. Finally, after practising on the targets set, students are expected to produce their own digital stories showing thus what they have learned.
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