Modelo teórico para el diseño y evaluación de la calidad en las apps infantiles (0-8 años)
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Apps for kids, digital devices, TIC, information design, interaction design, perceptionResumen
Children are enthusiastic and highly motivated in front of screens of mobile devices. Parents and educators choose which applications and games will be used. But this selection is not supported by clear and founded information about which applications are suitable for children aged 0-8 years. An exploratory analysis of different international selection of top rated children's applications showed that classifications employ basic descriptive criteria and partial and arbitrary indications about the contents of the apps.
The inclusion of parameters related to interactive design simplicity, the distribution of the elements on the screen, and the development of the attention and perception process, is discussed. This paper provides a theoretical model for building an effective and literature-based classification system in order to define the suitability of each educational App for children.
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