Uses of ICT and Timing in Evaluative Practices of Teachers in Upper Secondary Education


  • Liliana Leticia Moreno Romero Universidad de Barcelona
  • María José Rochera Villach Profesora titular del Departamento de psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, Universidad de Barcelona (España).



Upper secondary education, formative evaluation, formative feedback, the timing of evaluation, ICT.


The objective of this study is to know the main uses of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to assess and provide formative feedback along a time dimension. Data were obtained through interviews applied to two teachers of upper secondary education. This data were complemented with the information obtained from Moodle and Wiki platforms. Regarding the analysis, specific categories were elaborated using a model of analysis of evaluation practices (Coll, Mauri & Rochera, 2012) and the principles of improvement of the assessment and feedback with the support of ICT (JISC, 2014). The results show three formative uses of ICT that vary in different evaluative moments depending on the previous conceptions of teachers, time, and support from the school.

Author Biography

Liliana Leticia Moreno Romero, Universidad de Barcelona

Candidata a doctora en Psicología de la Educación, Universidad de Barcelona (España).


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