Are Listening Skills Best Enhanced Through the Use of Multimedia Technology


  • Sejdi Sejdiu University of Prizren


Palabras clave:

listening, enhancement, multimedia technology, CALL, teaching


Listening comprehension is essential to L2 learning. Pupils who are able to demonstrate L2 listening skills are able to demonstrate proficiency in other language skills. Due to the relatively unappreciated role of listening in language development, educators and language experts have been actively promoting the equal or emphasized enhancement of listening skills among students. Through multimedia, L2 speakers are provided access to several visual and aural L2 texts via audio, video, the Internet, podcasts, blogs and others.

The use of multimedia in listening instrument aims to ultimately assist L2 learners in understanding L2 within the everyday context.

The use of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) programmes have been heralded as effective means of developing and enhancing language skills among L2 learners.

However, listening skill teaching has been a neglected area. There has been a general belief that being able to speak, read and write in a given L2, is a parameter to be able to claim that L2 learners are proficient in communication in that language. In view of this assumption, many L2 teachers have ignored the true importance that listening has as a source or oral input from which L2 speakers can acquire the target language.


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