Influence of use of Activinspire interactive whiteboards in classroom on students’ learning



Palabras clave:

ActivInspire, interactive whiteboard, general education school, information and communication technologies


With the changing students’ generations and education content as well as modernization of educational technologies, various technical solutions are increasingly used by the teachers to supplement daily classroom activities. One of the novelties introduced in Lithuania in 2013 – ActivInspire system – was oriented towards mathematics and science education process in the 5th classes. The purpose of the survey presented in this article is to summarize one school year’s teaching experience of teachers in organising educational activity in classroom by using interactive teaching tools (ActivInspire system) in terms of assessing influence of technologies on students’ learning.

Teachers using ActivInspire interactive whiteboard for teaching mathematics and science in the 5th classes participated in the survey. The survey method – qualitative. During one school year, the teachers were writing reflections about their experience in using interactive learning tools in classroom: interactive whiteboard, electronic textbooks and audience response system.

When speaking about the influence of use of ActivInspire on students, the teachers mostly emphasize that students like working with interactive teaching tools or find such activity interesting and appealing. The teachers also remark that these tools encourage the students to be more active; they are convenient as well as effective in the learning process, encourage the students to learn more and have influence on their study results. The negative aspects mentioned by the teachers were such that it is difficult for the students to maintain discipline; students’ interest and enthusiasm in using the interactive tools slackens over the school year; technical problems sometimes occur.   


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